For The First Time


Well, even though baru je beberapa hari lepas aku post,
malam nie aku nak kongsikan satu cerita hehehe
even if this thing is kind of gegirl punya hal.


This morning, aku pergi Klinik Sakit Puan cuz' my period is irregular.
for some reason, Id forced myself to go there and mama also asked me to see the doctor.
So, on our way there,
kitorg pergi breakfast dulu,
that time! aku nak terberak sangat sangat dah hahahaha
but I cant find a toilet.
mama cakap, "tahan je lah, dekat klinik nnt ada toilet".
aku pon terpaksa menahan diri lol

bila dah sampai kat klinik, 
aku dftr, dy tny, "masalah apa yer?"
aku pon jwb bla bla bla bla
then, dy tak bg aku g toilet.
orang tu kata maybe they need to do "ujian air kencing"

aku pon terpaksa menahan diri (again) lol


Tak sampai 4mins duduk bahagian menunggu tu,
Pekerja dia panggil nama aku, erm.
aku pon masuk la.. sorang sorang..

lepas tu doct tunggu apa aku nak cakap.
aku pon mcm clueless *terdiam seketika* for a moment otak ambik masa untuk menganalisis.
hahaha aku pon cakap la kat doct tu apa masalah aku.
doct tny "awak dh kawen?"
aku pon sengih, TAK.
pastu dy tny "tengah study ke?"
aku jawab la, YE.
dy tny lagi, "sekarang tengah exam ke?"
aku jawab la TAK.
pastu dy tny psl my period laaa this and that,
aku taknak cerita secara spesifik kat sini.

then, dy suruh aku baring atas tilam pesakit tu,
dy tekan tekan bahagian bawah perut aku.
and dy tanya a few question,
sementara tu, 
dy letak lotion apatah kat situ, 
and do a mindray.
pastu dia tunjuk kat mana rahim aku, bladder, ovary bla bla bla bla
and she said "everything is fine, rahim awak sihat"

terus aku tak jadi nak terberak hahahahha
lesap terus keinginan untuk berhajat. lol.

doct buat conclusion yg aku stress.
doct kata aku mungkin tak rasa apa apa
tp body aku memberi reaction tu,
she said changes on my pimples (which is frequently pops on my face skrg nie)
and that stress telah menggangu hormon hormon yg lain.

CONCLUSION of this story is "AKU STRESS!!!"

lalu, doct pon memberi ubat which is aku pon takut nak makan huhuhuhu.
its pills btw. itu yg aku pon ermmm ambik dan pandang je lah.
maybe I need it in future if this kind of thing happen again.


there's a guy ......
bila aku post gmbr the mindray and ubat tu kat wc, 
dy pon ws, 
dy ckp "You need a rest"
tp disebabkan aku tengah layan anime waktu tu, 
(which I told him)
he said "kalau anime boleh buat kau happy, tengok je la"


I cant let this stress all over me cuz' I dont wanna be hospitalize mcm mama.


#tips for the girls,
If anything happen to you, just go and see the doct, 
you need to know what happen in ur body.

baru aku sedar bahawa orang yg berada di front desk, yang tak bg aku pi toilet tu
must thought yg aku nie pregnant -_-
choiyyyyy! Im still a virgin laaa



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adab berada di mana bro?

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be happy!!
gO Lucky..