something caught me

hye readers!
something just caught me in twitter just now.
and I would really love to try it.
There's 50 questions that can make u know her. 
aku suka jawab soalan psl own self nie. 
and I always assume the first answer in mind is the honest one. 
and its only valid for a few seconds.
which means, kalau aku jawab lambat dlm otak, aku x honest dgn jawapan tu.

so here it goes. 

Answers :
1- In love
2- Having someone's leaving
3- Home
4- Bed
5- Haziq Ariff
6- My sins
7- Solat
8- 2011 - 2012
9- Mama because I always tells her things.
10- Me
11- Solat and respect
12- A dentist
13- Bella from Twilight
14- Yes, I like compliment.
15- Non-physical


Okey sampai sini je lah dlu.
Una dah ajak aku tidur. huhu.

nanti sambung dgn soalan laen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aku amek tau gambar tu. thanks and mmuuahh

be happy!!
gO Lucky..