dah lama tak update

#np Somebody Else - Ebony Day

[Verse 1]
So you said, you've found somebody else
And I prayed, that that was just a lie
So I said I loved you one more time
In case that would change your mind

You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else
Our love has gone cold and it doesn't feel like home when I hold you close
And I'm lookin' at you tryna figure out if this is what you really want"
You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else"
I guess I don't want your body if you're wishing you were lying here with someone else

[Verse 2]
So you said, you've found, somebody else
And I hoped, that this, wasn't goodbye
But I can't help but wonder what went wrong
To make "forever" dead and gone

[Chorus 2]
You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else
Our love has gone cold and it doesn't feel like home when I hold you close
And I'm lookin' at you tryna figure out if this is what you really want"
You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else"
You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else"
I guess I don't want your body if you're wishing you were lying here with someone else

In the middle of March busy giler namateyyy
Have you ever cry because you have so much work to do..?
I had, once.
padahal tak start buat kerja lagi,
lecturer baru habaq project apa kena buat.
terus nangisssssss!

to be admitted, bukan sorng je lecturer yang bg kerja time tu.
and bukan calang-calang kerja yang boleh siap in a day.

so, I have been quiet stress this day.
tapi pi kelas buat muka cool

sekarang nie kalau test, quiz or whatever mmg aku tak ambik port nak study
sbb aku tak nak bebankan diri study for that.

dapat 1/10 pon dah alhamdulillah
but nvr been receiving 1/10 lah
he he

haaa nak story nie!

sekarang nie, kat ipoh ada satu tempat yang orang main lompat lompat tuuu!
teringin sangat nk pi..

tapi hurmmm..

bajet pon lari..
payah dah nk kejar aduhaiii
sehari makan kemain banyakkk
stress lah katakan

even weekend pon terperap dalam bilik dari pagi sampai petang dok buat kerja
pastu malam sambung till 1 pagi.
teruk weyhh

dah rasa macam budak architecture
korang tahu kan? almost semua budak architecture tak tido malam duk buat planning.
aku rasa kos paling susah selain doc, pilot yang byk kapal terbang tu, marine and all, is actually engineering!

but Im not saying kos aku tak susah.
tengok orang jugak la, boleh adapt ke tak.
kalau tak boleh, babai je lah.

plus, this kind of life kau akan jumpa pelbagai manusia
ada je orang sekeliling aku yang fake.
tapi aku peghati je.
taknak la shut off orang tu terus.
selagi tak cari pasal dengan aku,

manusia manusiaaaaa
kadang tu ada tau manusia yang tak boleh tengok kau lebih sikit.
ada je yang nk dengki.

tapi ada jugak yang jenis tolong kau time susah,
orang mcm tu la yang aku stick.
ada gak classmate aku ajak aku join final year project (fyp)

next sem dengan diorg.
tapi aku tolak
sbb aku nak stick dengan sorang member aku nie.
setia kan aku? he he he

haa cerita pasal fyp!
nak tau tak? ok dont even answer.
aku nak bg tahu jugak!
kami kan ada System Analysis and Design (sadam) this sem.

pastu kami punya case study kena buat full proposal
means including proposal, planning, analysis and project design.
so, ada la prototype and macam-macam lagi.

but before kitorg buat proposal penuh tu,
kami kena tunjuk kat lecturer dulu.
time tunjuk tu,
proposal kena tolak.
lepas tu, aku propose project yang aku plan nk buat tuk fyp tu,


terus lost nak buat project apa sem depan.
sakit otak.
and that case study need to be done this week.
nasib baik cuma tinggal analysis je.

doakan lah aku tak pengsan ke apa.
so.... tu je nak cerita...
nanti bila aku free aku update lagi

bubye everibadiiii

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be happy!!
gO Lucky..