a year

lemme tell you a story..

about last year on March.
I have accidently asked a guy from my politeknik
to actually go out and watch a movie with me.
but ofcos dengan member member aku la.

so, nak dijadikan cerita,
I fall in love at first sight. 
and since then Ive been going out with him.
I know he is not a rebound's guy. 

our relationship is totally not like friends kinda thing
sbb aku fall in love in first sight kan..
so... totally aku dah letak dya on my special list.

a month later, declared.
back then I barely knew him.
first couple months is quite romantic.
video call, hang around every weeks, mmg jenis yang senang diajak arhh..

lepas dah selesa with each others,
a few things changed.

I think he might thought I'm his property kot.
and he start to be 120% protective.
and ofcos he still cares about me in everythings
and he start to make me believe that he'is not a romantic guy.

since then, banyak benda yang aku buat, aku dah tak ajak dya.
plus, we always argue with each other.
everything seems wrong.
boleh dikatakan, we are like pluto and earth.
padahal aku rasa dulu I find him attractive sbb we have a lot of things in common

He want someone who is honest with him, here I am,
I need someone who is not controlling my life, but he changed me 270 degree.
and we need someone who doesnt cheat on us, so here we are.

tapi dalam relationship nie, cheating is no longer a problem.
the big problems are understanding and being tolerance with each other
sbb we have a lot of things yang tak sependapat.

kami dah sampai tahap "kau boleh tahan tak dengan aku?"
"sampai bila kau boleh tahan dengan perangai aku?"
"sampai bila aku boleh tahan dengan perangai kau?"
"aku tak suka kau buat nie"
"aku tak suka kau buat tu"

THERE!! ego sangat penting bab nie.
tapi alhamdulillah even bila api dengan api pon, takde lah marak sgt.
tahu jugak lah nak berhenti.
but everyday shits happened.
bara tu kau p tiup tiup lagi, berapi lah dya.
kadang aku buat dya berapi, kadang dya buat aku berapi.

lalu, kau belajar rendahkan ego, minx maaf
but masalah tak selesai
sbb tak jumpa lagi jalan untuk tolerate with each others.

budak nie paling special auu,.
selalunya kalau aku tak suka something about someone, 
aku terus blah.
cuz' I know "kalau dah kawen nnt takkan nak mcm nie jugak"
tapi dengan budak aku tahan je, sabar.
aku tahu masing masing tak matang lagi.

so tu lah.
aku tengah tunggu otak dya matang.
and aku pon taknak act like idiot lurus kinda girl.
tapi semua orang kata aku lurus. 
tapi aku tak idiot pon, alhamdulillah setakat nie result aku still elok lgi.
sbb tu aku tak rasa aku bodoh pon.
cuma tu lah, aku sentiasa look idiot infront of him.
and that shit is fucking distracting my mind. 

aku tak boleh auu orang kata perkataan "bodoh"
sbb bapak aku bila marah dya akan guna perkataan tu.
and perkataan "celaka" and "aku-hang"
so, that kinda words mmg jenis yang boleh bg aku sentap.

even "shits","fuck"."babi","bongok", and other sarcasms aku tak heran sgt.
sorry for the improper words.
harap semua reader 18+ dah la.
so, jangan ikut.


dalam banyak banyak aku story nie,
nampak banyak aku mengeluh kan?.
and cerita pasal benda yang buruk burukkkk je.

so, here's the thing that I like about him.
bila aku lapar, dya akan suruh aku makan.
bila aku rindu dya gila gila sbb lama tak jumpa, dya akan datang.
bila aku meroyan, dya akan cuba layan walaupun terpaksa
bila aku craving something, dya akan ikut aku cari makanan tu hahahahahaha
bila aku lapar tengah malam, dya follow je pegi makan even dya tengah tak puas hati dengan aku tp ofcos la at the end aku yang sakit hati.
pastu kalau dulu, 
aku nak tengok wayang, aku ajak dya.
aku nak keluar jejelan memana, aku ajak dya.
kalau ada gap kelas, sll jugak aku ajak dya lepak. (tu pon 3 kali je)
kalau nk makan pon aku ajak dya sbb dya sll on time
cuma tu lahhh lately asyik gadoh psl nak makan kat mana.
so, at the end aku dah malas nak ajak hahaha
lepastu, kalau aku nak merempit pon aku ajak dya hahaha
tp itu sebelum dya tukar moto arh..
skrg aku tak merempit dah, dah insaf.

so.... tu lah ceritanya,
orang melayu kata "nak kenal seseorang tu ambik masa 3 tahun"
aku ada lagi baki 2 tahun.
we'll see how it goes.. 

ok bubye

dah lama tak update

#np Somebody Else - Ebony Day

[Verse 1]
So you said, you've found somebody else
And I prayed, that that was just a lie
So I said I loved you one more time
In case that would change your mind

You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else
Our love has gone cold and it doesn't feel like home when I hold you close
And I'm lookin' at you tryna figure out if this is what you really want"
You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else"
I guess I don't want your body if you're wishing you were lying here with someone else

[Verse 2]
So you said, you've found, somebody else
And I hoped, that this, wasn't goodbye
But I can't help but wonder what went wrong
To make "forever" dead and gone

[Chorus 2]
You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else
Our love has gone cold and it doesn't feel like home when I hold you close
And I'm lookin' at you tryna figure out if this is what you really want"
You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else"
You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else"
I guess I don't want your body if you're wishing you were lying here with someone else

In the middle of March busy giler namateyyy
Have you ever cry because you have so much work to do..?
I had, once.
padahal tak start buat kerja lagi,
lecturer baru habaq project apa kena buat.
terus nangisssssss!

to be admitted, bukan sorng je lecturer yang bg kerja time tu.
and bukan calang-calang kerja yang boleh siap in a day.

so, I have been quiet stress this day.
tapi pi kelas buat muka cool

sekarang nie kalau test, quiz or whatever mmg aku tak ambik port nak study
sbb aku tak nak bebankan diri study for that.

dapat 1/10 pon dah alhamdulillah
but nvr been receiving 1/10 lah
he he

haaa nak story nie!

sekarang nie, kat ipoh ada satu tempat yang orang main lompat lompat tuuu!
teringin sangat nk pi..

tapi hurmmm..

bajet pon lari..
payah dah nk kejar aduhaiii
sehari makan kemain banyakkk
stress lah katakan

even weekend pon terperap dalam bilik dari pagi sampai petang dok buat kerja
pastu malam sambung till 1 pagi.
teruk weyhh

dah rasa macam budak architecture
korang tahu kan? almost semua budak architecture tak tido malam duk buat planning.
aku rasa kos paling susah selain doc, pilot yang byk kapal terbang tu, marine and all, is actually engineering!

but Im not saying kos aku tak susah.
tengok orang jugak la, boleh adapt ke tak.
kalau tak boleh, babai je lah.

plus, this kind of life kau akan jumpa pelbagai manusia
ada je orang sekeliling aku yang fake.
tapi aku peghati je.
taknak la shut off orang tu terus.
selagi tak cari pasal dengan aku,

manusia manusiaaaaa
kadang tu ada tau manusia yang tak boleh tengok kau lebih sikit.
ada je yang nk dengki.

tapi ada jugak yang jenis tolong kau time susah,
orang mcm tu la yang aku stick.
ada gak classmate aku ajak aku join final year project (fyp)

next sem dengan diorg.
tapi aku tolak
sbb aku nak stick dengan sorang member aku nie.
setia kan aku? he he he

haa cerita pasal fyp!
nak tau tak? ok dont even answer.
aku nak bg tahu jugak!
kami kan ada System Analysis and Design (sadam) this sem.

pastu kami punya case study kena buat full proposal
means including proposal, planning, analysis and project design.
so, ada la prototype and macam-macam lagi.

but before kitorg buat proposal penuh tu,
kami kena tunjuk kat lecturer dulu.
time tunjuk tu,
proposal kena tolak.
lepas tu, aku propose project yang aku plan nk buat tuk fyp tu,


terus lost nak buat project apa sem depan.
sakit otak.
and that case study need to be done this week.
nasib baik cuma tinggal analysis je.

doakan lah aku tak pengsan ke apa.
so.... tu je nak cerita...
nanti bila aku free aku update lagi

bubye everibadiiii

hai fellasss

Salam Maghrib.
Im writing this sbb dah lama aku tak menaip dalam blog
mmg boleh kata hari hari aku menaip tp taip coding arh

for those yang maybe tak tahu, aku amik kos programming.
and now apa yang aku tengah belajar nie semakin mendalam.
even kat luar sana tu, programmer dah ramai and programming bukanlah satu peluang pekerjaan yang besar.
so aku tak amik port sgt arh.
means, aku xde la berharap nak jadi hebat sgt.

aku still minat video and such.
so, aku still akan go for Multimedia for degree.

and Im still with my bambam
even aku nie sll buat hal, 
dya hadap je.
kadang aku nie pelik sikit.
asyik nak perhatian dya je.
idk why.

but everything works fine.

kalau aku rasa dya terlalu busy sampai tak dapat nk ws aku,
aku akan layan korea saaaaaaaaampai ke-sudah
kalau aku dah abis layan korea, dya x sudah lgi,
aku main la make-up, make-up dgn housemate aku.

and bebaru nie aku bru je baik demam.
sedih kott
aku sepatutnya follow member member pergi hiking kat Bukit Berekeh
tp collapse pulak.

sekarang nie mmg dah jd trend orang dok hiking.
aku pon tak terkecuali lah

first aku hike is Bukit Kledang
lepas tu, Bukit Bangkong
and then Bukit Batu Putih

aku tak sure if I missed any of other bukit.

and the reason aku demam is unknown.
before that aku mmg xde selera makan for almost a week.
and I've lost almost 2kg.
gila tak?
berat badan terjun mendadak.

imagine, aku cuma makan dua tiga nasi je sehari 
mana tak lost weight.

so, hargailah selera makan anda ketika masih ada.

ok gtg. 
be happy!!
gO Lucky..